About the Sussex VCSE Leaders Alliance (‘SVLA’)

The SVLA builds on existing VCSE infrastructure and networks and aims to bring together VCSE organisations with an interest in tackling health inequalities and achieving health outcomes through collaboration. Specifically the role of the SVLA is to connect the VCSE sector with public sector Health and Care partners as part of the Sussex Integrated Care System in order to help understand the diverse needs of communities in the region and to shape the way services are designed and delivered.

The day-to-day work of the SVLA is led by a team of Strategic Leads based across Sussex and by a group of VCSE Representatives who participate in a range of health and social care-related strategic programmes.

Work completed to date by the SVLA includes the development and sign-off of the Commissioning Framework and Memorandum of Understanding (please see the Further Information box below) between the VCSE Sector and Health and Care Partners in Sussex.

The Strategic Steering Group (interim)

The SVLA is in the process of setting up an interim Strategic Steering Group. It is envisaged that the group provides a formal mechanism for bringing a diverse range of VCSE voices together to:

  • Identify opportunities and agree priorities for the VCSE Sector to work collaboratively in relation to health outcomes and health inequalities
  • Consider and agree the longer-term structure of the SVLA
  • Support and shape the work of the SVLA Team and SVLA Reps

Meetings will be chaired by the Community Works CEO (Jess Sumner), with Vice Chairing Shared by East Sussex Community Voice and Community People CEO’s (Veronica Kirwan and Katie Rabone).

Group membership

We are looking for:

  • 3 x members from each place (Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex) specifically:
    • 1 member per place from a ‘large’ organisation (>£1m annual turnover)
    • 1 member per place from a ‘medium’ sized orgnaisation (between £0.1m and £1m annual turnover)
    • 1 member per place from a ‘small’ sized organisation (<£0.1m annual turnover)

Time requirements

  • The interim Steering Group will meet every two months for 1 year. The first meeting is provisionally scheduled for Thursday 13th March 10am -12 noon and will be online.

Nomination process

If you are interested in joining the Strategic Steering Group, please download and complete the nomination form (please see the Further Information box below) and return it by 21st February 2025 to:

  • Brighton and Hove nominations

Please return nominations to:

JP Scholfield (they/them), Strategic Lead, Brighton and Hove


  • West Sussex

Please return nominations to:

  • Glenda Bonde (she/her), Strategic Lead, West Sussex


  • East Sussex

Please return nominations to:


(nomination process will be managed by East Sussex VSCE Alliance whilst the Strategic Lead role is vacant).