Beat the heat
Key advice and actions for hot weather
Ahead of hot weather please familiarise yourselves and your staff with the key advice and actions you need to take in your services, so you know what to do if a Heat-Health Alert is issued in the event of high temperatures, prolonged hot weather or a heatwave.
The national Adverse Weather and Health Plan – GOV.UK ( has recently been updated and some additional resources have been added.
It is important that you, your staff and your residents/clients are aware of:
· the effects of severe heat on a person’s health and
· action needed to be taken when you/they notice a client/patient is at risk of overheating
Therefore, please spend some time reviewing the following information, as well as sharing this with staff and clients/residents
Actions for you to take:
Read the advice for your area: Hot weather and health: guidance and advice – GOV.UK (
Area specific hot weather and health guidance is available for:
- supporting vulnerable people
- Care Home Managers and Social Care Staff
- Looking after children and early years settings
- Supporting people homeless and sleeping rough
- for Organisers of Mass Gatherings
- Read the relevant action card for your area of work and ensure you are aware of the actions required for yellow, amber and red Heat Health Alerts: voluntary and community sector, commissioners and providers
- Make sure you and your staff are aware of the effects of severe heat on a person’s health and action needed to be taken when you/they notice a client/patient is at risk of overheating
- Beat the heat: hot weather advice – GOV.UK ( detailed hot weather advice that can be followed by anyone and includes advice for specific organisations and settings.
- Identify and assess any vulnerable service users or staff and have a plan in place to reduce their risk, including any tailored advice or mitigations you need.
- Consider if any environmental changes are needed or changes to planned activities or events.
- Share relevant advice and resources through your services and staff networks to help people keep cool, stay safe and look out for others