Budget response
We have gathered your views and submitted a collective response to Brighton and Hove City Council funding reductions.

The council’s budget for the coming financial year proposes reductions to, or complete withdrawal of, Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) funding across multiple areas which threatens the city’s core prevention and support services. For example, it includes;
- Significant reductions to budgets within Adult Social Care, VAWG, Hate Crime Reporting and Youth services putting people and communities at risk.
- a 10% cut to existing Third Sector Commission agreements which will lead to scaling back or closure of key services.
- Cessation/reduction of the Communities Fund which threatens the small, grassroots groups that marginalised communities rely upon for peer support, easing isolation, staying safe and well. These groups play a huge role in creating an equitable and inclusive city.
We are concerned about the disproportionate impact the proposed budget will have on the people and communities in our city who are already the most disadvantaged and at risk. If the proposed savings go ahead vital services would be reduced or even close.
Thank you to our Reps and members who contributed to this ‘VCS Budget Response’ late last night and early this morning.
The budget is being discussed today (8 February) from 4.00pm at the Council’s ‘Budget, Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee’. Watch the webcast. Final decisions are due to be made at Budget Council on 22 February so we still have time to influence the outcome.
Contact maria@communityworks.org.uk if you would like to discuss the effect of the budget on your organisation.