Monitoring and evaluation

Why monitor and evaluate?
Collecting information and data on the impact of your activities and services is an important part of running your group or organisation.
What information and data you collect, analyse and share, requires careful thought and planning.
The information and data will help you to:
- track the success of your activities and services – what works
- identify areas which could be improved – what could work better
- provide evidence of the change you’ve made to people’s lives – impact
This information is required by funders, but will also help you evaluate the effectiveness of your current activities and tell the story of what you do.
We can help you
We’re here to help you make your monitoring, evaluation and data collection more effective.
Our training courses, conferences, and one-to-one support provided through our mentoring programme and consultancy service can all help with this.
If you would like help to make your monitoring and evaluation more effective, get in touch with us or 01273 234023.
Local data
If you’re looking for statistics, reports, maps and other data about Brighton and Hove, visit the community insight website. You can find the same data for Adur & Worthing here.
The data allows you to find, explore and use a range of facts and figures about different areas and communities. It includes data from the census, on deprivation, and on local needs.
The information is useful for writing funding applications and for developing your monitoring and evaluation plans.
Online tool to Measure your impact
Understand the process and get your head round the language NCVO